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Educational Resources

ToolKits with Subjects, Lessons, and PA Core Standards 

Three Top Subjects are Online Games and Activities by Subject and School Level

School, Community, and Mental Resources

Family Resouces:

Educational Resources:

Aquí encontraras mas de 2000 fichas para estudiantes de primero a sexto grado de primaria que contendrán actividades:

ACEs Connection

Join the movement to prevent ACEs, heal trauma and build resilience.

American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

We are in this together, and help is always available. If you're feeling alone and struggling, you can also reach out to The Crisis Text Line by texting TALK to 741741 or National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK.

A Survival Guide for Parenting Through the Global Pandemic:

Psychologist provides a guide on helping families through the crisis.

Benefits of Early Education Through Adulthood:

Bilingual.teaching resource:

Comprehensive Centers Pages:

Diferentes materiales de aprendizaje para niños:


ED’s COVID-19: pages

Google Chrome Extensions for Struggling Students and Digital Needs:

Parent Center Hub:

Transition Guide:

The Institute for Educational Leadership:

Higher Education’s Next Great Challenge: Ensuring Full Inclusion for Students with Disabilities. This report, authored by Eve Hill, J.D., Co-lead at Inclusivity Strategic Consulting, Dahlia Shaewitz, Vice President for Transition, Disability and Employment at IEL, and Jessica Queener Ed.D., Disability Employment Consultant, was published to support leaders in higher education to create inclusive campuses. 


This comprehensive tool for colleges, universities, and other institutes of higher education provides a framework for ensuring full inclusion in classrooms and on campus. The guide includes strategies for recruiting students with disabilities, providing accommodations as a student retention and inclusion approach, strengthening access and accessibility with technology, and going beyond compliance to promote disability-diversity and equity for all students. 


To access the guide click here:

Neurosequential Network Stress & Resilience video with Bruce Perry, MD, PhD. 

This brief (15 min) video discusses how the pattern of stress can determine risk or resilience.  The importance of structure, predicability and moderation of daily stress is highlighted.  The malleability of the capacity to demonstrate resilience is discussed.

The Pandemic Toolkit Parents Need

8 expert tips to help families stay regulated:

PATTAN's Behavior initiative:

FREE Teaching Resources: 

Family Partnership: How can we communicate and strenghthen partnerships with families and caregivers? 


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